9:27 AM
I've been thinking a lot about change lately. It's either barreling at you full speed, or it doesn't come fast enough.
I think change that comes unexpectedly and sporadically is easier. You either have to hold on and kiss your ass goodbye, or spend a lot of time and energy trying to stop it. But, you can't stop it. So, that's crazy. It's out of your control and it just happens upon you whether you like it or not.
Then there is change you want. The kind of change that only you are responsible for. The change that sits on your shoulders. It never comes at the speed that we want, but it still has the capacity to be volatile and surprising at the same time. It's slow and torturous, but retrospectively, it's also the best kind of change. A labor of love.
I've got a Masters program to finish, a new promotion, and lots of adventures and laughter with my CBabes on the horizon. And although there is a lot of change and hard work swirling in the midst of it all, I can't wait.
It feels like everything is falling into place in the best possible way with the best people I could have ever hoped for.
I started this year with "can't stop won't stop" as my mantra. Although I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to, there have been so many unexpected changes in such a short amount of time that have made me feel like I somehow accomplished more than I set out to do.