For the Sake of Appearances
9:23 AM
I have started posts like this over and over and have thought better of it. Clicked "Save" instead of "Publish" and then mulled over how I could have said it better.
I think I know how to say it now.
All over the internet there are probably millions and millions of make-up tutorials, memes, and gifs, telling the female population that we need to have perfect eyebrows and Kylie Jenner lips.
On top of that, we should have perfectly wavy hair, a perfectly coiffed scarf, earrings, 3 necklaces, 37 bangles, and 31 rings (You can wear more than one ring on your fingers! That's a thing now.)
I'll tell you what, I've fallen into the madness. I love makeup. (I hate accessories, so not that, fortunately.) I have 20 shades of lipstick and 6 types of mascara in my make-up drawer right now. I know how to contour my face. And although, I don't need to, I know how to get those coveted Kylie Jenner lips.
And I get it. It makes you feel better. It makes you feel "pretty". In fact, you've probably trained yourself to like your appearance more with all of the extra.
But. The shit you put on your face does not define you.
I am not the makeup on my face.
I am not the car that I drive.
I am not the house that I live in.
I am not the clothes I just purchased at H&M.
Sure. It helps me be part of the social norm. But it doesn't fucking matter.
You are what you do.
You are how you live your life.
You are how you treat people.
You are your achievements.
You are the thoughts and dreams that run through your head right before you fall asleep.
You are so much more than an edited Instagram photo seeking validation from strangers on the internet.
Just a thought.