Thoughts on Being 30
7:44 PMI am officially a 30-something today. May 25th marks the day I made my way through my mother's vaginal canal and into this world. You're welcome for that image. Soak it up.
I've lived an entire year as a 30 year old, and now that I've got a year of experience under my belt, I think I can speak to what it's like.
Being in your thirties is really weird. Everyone put's all of this hype into turning thirty, because it's the first step in the "getting old" process. When a young'n asks your age, and you respond, "I'm thirty". The reaction is more "EW" and less "OH COOL". So, that sucks.
I don't feel old though. I feel the same as I did when I turned 19 (with a lot less enthusiasm). Granted, things like hangovers are a lot more difficult to endure these days. But, otherwise, I've never gotten this looming feeling that I've turned the fucking corner and I'm going to turn into a pile of shit at any moment. Thirty is very overrated in that aspect. Weird. You're still not old.
The twenties have come and gone like Mr. Trump reaching for the First Lady's hand, and thank God for that in some instances. Your twenties are supposed to be the "fun" time. Party city. Do crazy shit, and have no regrets. But, let's get fucking real for a moment. You're twenties aren't fun at all because you're supposed to be cultivating your inner being and some shit. You're supposed to find yourself, find a career, and simultaneously start living and breathing like a real-life adult. It is also important to note that you are expected to find love in the middle of this chaos. The twenties are for all of the shitty emotional stuff. You live it, and somehow make it out on the other side.
You're thirties are still full of a lot of adult-ass-shit, but I think it's less of an emotional roller coaster and more of a you-really-got-to-own-your-shit kind of thing. Less emotional bullshit, and more fun.
So far, my thirties have really been about being with the people I love, and doing all of the other things that make me happy. I could get a pretty long list of things that I did and accomplished throughout the last year, but that's just bragging. So, I'll spare you.
I'll assure you that I am a really neat-o badass though.
But, in the end, thirty feels less like uncertainty, and a lot more like, ''SHIT-YEAH"! It took 29 years of a never-ending stream of swears, anxiety, and sleepless nights. But I'm here, and 30-something is looking like a pretty sweet ride.